Monday, April 15, 2019

Ellie Jensen, Kellie Pleshinger, and Sara Ludwig Recognized at AU Academic Honors Convocation

On Sunday, April 14, Ashland University held its annual Honors Convocation to recognize outstanding students and faculty. Each year, the department's faculty vote to honor an outstanding sophomore, junior, and senior. The students chosen for this high honor are subsequently recognized at the University-wide Convocation. This year's recipients were as follows:

Outstanding Sophomore: Ellie Jensen (Integrated Language Arts major)
Outstanding Junior: Kellie Pleshinger (Creative Writing and Digital Media Production double major)
Outstanding Senior: Sara Ludwig (English and Creative Writing double major)

The department congratulates these students for their exceptional academic performance, including not only their graded work but also their consistent contributions in their classes and in the overall life of the department. 

Kellie Pleshinger, Ellie Jensen, and Sara Ludwig are pictured following their recognition at the Convocation