On February 6, 2020, Poet Paige Webb presented work from her new chapbook, Tussle, recently published by Dancing Girl Press.
Her new book has been described by poet Philip Metres in this way:

In her mind-bending debut Tussle, Paige Webb restages the old Western philosophical problem of the subject-object split as a wrestle between a quicksilver mind and erotic consciousness, which perceives the interpenetration of seeing and seen, of self and everything else. Ecologically astute and philosophically sharp, Webb’s cubistic poems remind of Gertrude Stein, Virginia Woolf, and Anne Carson. “Who doesn’t want to be,” Webb asks, looking at bees floating in a pool, “quietly wild, unshaven, drenched in collision?” Reader, drench yourself in this collision.
Webb read several poems from this collection, shared some newer poems, and stayed to answer questions from the audience of student, faculty, and community members.