Monday, October 3, 2011

Sigma Tau Delta hosts Hob Nob Game Night

by Hilary Donatini

Meg Collier, Erika Gallion, and Andrew Kistler enjoy a moment with Jay Robinson and his son Sam.

Photo credit: Justine Ackerman
On the evening of Thursday, September 22, the lobby of the Bixler Center for the Humanities was abuzz with conversation, strategizing, and laughter. The first ever “Humanities Hob-Nob and Game Night,” sponsored by Sigma Tau Delta, the English honor society, drew students and professors alike for food and fun. Scrabble, Balderdash, and Yahtzee were among the games played as the partygoers nibbled on pizza and other treats. Dantan Wernecke, a senior English minor from Lexington, Ohio and Secretary for Sigma Tau Delta, thought that the event “was a fun, unique way to bring similarly minded scholars together. There was fun to be had, food to be shared, and a dash of erudition.” Vice President Lindsay Cameron, a triple major in Integrated Language Arts, Journalism, and Creative Writing from Southington, Ohio, shared her opinion as well: “The Hob-Nob was fun because we were able to play games with students and faculty from many disciplines while using the space on the first floor of Bixler for a social event. It adds a new appreciation for other people we may only see in the classrooms.” Faculty in attendance included Visiting Assistant Professor of English Jay Robinson, who said, “As a teacher I don't get many opportunities to meet students who aren't my own. Not only was playing the games fun, but I conversed with creative writing students and talked poetry with them.” In true humanities fashion, Associate Professor of Spanish Bill Cummins stopped by the lobby to mingle. “It is amazing what you can learn about people when time is set aside simply to talk,” observed Cummins. The success of this event means that more hobnobbing is in our future!