Dr. Maura Grady |
Dalek and the 10th Doctor |
Time Space Book Cover |
Dr. Maura Grady, who teaches ENG 303 Writers' Workshop: Screenwriting, ENG 332 Global Film, ENG 371 Literature and Film and Composition I and II, recently attended Regeneration: A Doctor Who Festival in Toronto, Ontario (Canada).http://www.doctorwhosociety.com/Regeneration/Home.html
She was a featured special guest panelist with several other authors contributing to the upcoming McFarland publication Doctor Who in Time and Space (http://www.mcfarlandpub.com/book-2.php?id=978-0-7864-6549-1). Dr. Grady explained, "Doctor Who first went on the air in the UK in 1963. It was off the air for a few years in the '90s but came back in 2005 to huge audiences in the UK and the US too. It's really rare to find any kind of entertainment franchise that's been running as long as that! My article in the book concerns the nostalgia for the fading British Empire that audiences for the show felt in its early years. My co-writer Cassie Hemstrom and I researched audience surveys done in the early years of the show and analyzed several episodes for themes that echoed this nostalgia." In addition to discussing her work at a crowded panel, Dr. Grady enjoyed chatting with screenwriter James Moran (Cockneys and Zombies, Doctor Who: The Fires of Pompeii and Torchwood: Sleeper/Children of the Earth Part 3. Says Dr. Grady, "every aspiring screenwriter should follow James on his blog "The Pen is Mightier than the Spork" (http://jamesmoran.blogspot.com/). James gave an engaging live commentary on his Doctor Who episode and had wonderful insights as well as advice for writers of science fiction genre television and films." The event also featured distinguished actor of stage, screen, and TV Colin Spaull. Dr. Grady notes: "Mr. Spaull told me about one of his early roles-- playing Young Pip in a live TV performance of Great Expectations when he was only 12 years old! He's been a working actor for more than 50 years and was absolutely charming and full of fantastic stories and it was a pleasure to talk with him."
Dr. Maura Grady can be reached at
mgrady3@ashland.edu. Write to her with questions about studying film and screenwriting.