Saturday, January 17, 2015

Where Are Our Integrated Language Arts Alumni Teaching?

The list below is just a sample of the full-time positions with public, private, and charter schools that our Integrated Language Arts majors (grades 7-12) have landed in the past five years.

Ashland City Schools 

Bellalago Academy, Kissimmee, FL 
Brunswick City Schools 
Chippewa High School, Doylestown 
Clearfork High School, Bellville 
Focus North High School, Columbus 
Granville City Schools 
Holy Name High School, North Olmsted 
Horizon Academic High School 
Kettering Fairmont High School
Loudonville High School 
Medina City Schools 
Notre Dame - Cathedral Latin High School, Chardon 
Ohio Connections Academy 
Poinciana High School, Kissimmee, FL (2) 
St. Paul High School, Norwalk 
Triway High School 
West Lake City Schools