Zoe Jenkins, Morgan Phillips, Corinne Spisz, Liz Bucci, and Sydney Ross after English 406: 17th c. Lit. class. Not pictured: Bethany Meadows |
Six Integrated Language Arts majors "completed all the requirements to admission into the teacher education program," as Dr. Carla Abreu-Ellis, Director of the Field Office in the College of Education, explained at the fall 2017 Teacher Induction Ceremony. The ceremony, which welcomed majors in all educational specialties into the program, was held November 14 in the Ronk Lecture Hall in the Dwight Schar COE building. Dr. Jason Ellis, Co-Chair of the Teacher Education Department, noted, "It's a nice milestone." Referring to each candidate entering his or her signature into a ledger dating back to 1998, Ellis added, "It's a piece of history." Each candidate received a certificate as well as a pewter pin engraved with an image of the Schar COE building. The English Department inductees are as follows:
Bethany Meadows
Elizabeth Bucci
Zoe Jenkins
Morgan Phillips
Sydney Ross
Corinne Spisz
Congratulations to these future educators!