Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Middle Grades Major on Theater Opening Night Performance

An Enemy of The PeopleAbigail Wilhelm, Junior Middle Grades Education Major

I attended the opening night of Arthur Miller's play An Enemy of The People at Ashland University. I really enjoyed the play and was very impressed by the casts’ compelling performances. Overall the theatre department put together another excellent show, with a very timely message.

I particularly enjoyed how appropriate the themes in the play were for today’s society. The idea of media influence and motivators struck me as extremely suitable for the current political climate. Also, I had read the play before seeing Ashland’s rendition and I was pleasantly surprised to see that many of the characters that were originally written as men were being played by women. This changed the dynamic of some aspects, such as a brother-sister relationship rather than two brothers. This gender change also conveyed that women belong in the work force and politics too. Most importantly, it made the play feel more modern, fresh, and relatable to me as a woman.