Friday, May 24, 2019

Dr. Sharleen Mondal Invited to Coach Post-Tenure Pathfinders Program

From the AU Portal

Dr. Sharleen Mondal was invited to become a Master Coach for the Post-Tenure Pathfinders program offered through the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) and, after completing a training process earlier this month, will begin serving in this role during the summer 2019 session of the program. The program supports tenured participants in advancing in their career in a strategic and purpose-driven fashion that aligns with their gifts and deeper life goals. As a Master Coach, Dr. Mondal will hold 30-minute sessions with individual participants to assist them in working through the exercises offered by the program. Dr. Mondal completed Pathfinders as a participant in Fall 2017 through the support of Dr. Dawn Weber, Dean of AU's College of Arts and Sciences.

Dr. Mondal has been serving as a small group coach for NCFDD's Faculty Success Program (FSP) since Fall 2017, which involves supporting small groups of faculty from around the country in practicing empirically-proven techniques for increasing their research/writing productivity and work/life balance. She has also served as a Master Coach for FSP, offering individual sessions for its participants, since Fall 2018.

In the past year, AU has forged a connection with NCFDD, offering AU faculty access to its many resources. Rachel McLaren, an NCFDD campus workshop facilitator, will be providing the keynote to AU's fall Faculty College. Faculty who attend the keynote will receive a free six-month membership to NCFDD, providing access to numerous webinars and multi-week courses through the Center's website.