Tuesday, April 23, 2019

English Department Graduating Senior Spotlight: Part One

The department wishes its graduating seniors the best as they apply for jobs and begin the exciting transition to the next chapter of their lives! This post is the first installment in a series to spotlight these seniors, who generously shared their favorite memory of being a major in the English Department and their post-graduation plans.

Sydney Ross is an Integrated Language Arts major. "My favorite memory would have to be getting initiated into Sigma Tau Delta or when we read The Los Angeles Diaries by James Brown with Dr. Mackall. He made ENG 351: Adv. Comp. a great experience for me by opening my eyes to new styles of writing. Also, he made discussing the writing interesting by using his wit and humor to make class enjoyable. I plan to find a teaching position as a middle school Language Arts teacher in a good community! If that does not work out, I plan to look at graduate school in the fall."

Amber Pope is triple major in Political Science, History, and English. She recalls her favorite memory as "working on my Thesis project with Dr. Weaver and the discussions we had over Greek Literature together." After graduation, her plans include "possibly attending graduate school to study library sciences a year after graduation."

Andrew Potosky is a Creative Writing major and History minor. "My favorite memory was probably when I got to showcase some of my ideas before my fellow students. I enjoyed listening to their ideas, as well, to see just what people were working on. I plan to be a writer, and might work with a museum." Andrew generously offers his gratitude to the department: "Thank you for the opportunity to study with you here!"

Sarah Rayman is a double major in English and Philosophy with a minor in Political Science. Reflecting back on her time at Ashland, Sarah's favorite memory of the department is "any class with Linda Joyce Brown or Jayne Waterman: discussion was always cultivated so well and I left knowing more that I thought I did before! I always enjoyed coming up with creative paper topics and finding quotes to back up my claim, even when I felt it was a stretch! They always made literature such a JOY to be a part of and I am so grateful I had the opportunity to work with them! My plan for graduation is to move to Chicago for my new job with the Alpha Phi Foundation! I recently accepted a position as their Chapter Giving Coordinator!"

Morgan McCarthy is an English major and Political Science minor. "I have many favorite memories, but one of my favorite memories, which I was reminded of during my exit interview, was relating the eggplant emoji to the poem To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell in Seventeenth Century Literature. After graduation, I plan on going to law school next year, where I will study family law. I'm the mean time, I will be working at one of the jobs I've sent my application to."

Congratulations to these soon-to-be graduates! The department is fortunate to have enjoyed their contributions, both academically and through the energy each individual student has brought to their professors and fellow students through their unique presence at Ashland.