Saturday, December 14, 2019

Deborah Fleming's book recognized by PEN Awards

Dr. Deborah Fleming's book Resurrection of the Wild has been longlisted for the PEN Diamonstein/Spielvogel Art of the Essay Award for 2020, one of ten semifinalists for the award. 

See the list of semifinalists here:
The semifinalists are listed in color. Dr. Fleming's book is one of the few from a University press, while the other other semifinalists are mostly from big New York publishing houses. Judges were Jelani Cobb, Daniel Menaker, and Judith Thurman. 
This is a very prestigious award and being longlisted as a semifinalist as is a big honor. 
Finalists will be announced in January and the award ceremony, to which Dr. Fleming has already been invited, is on March 2. More information here: